Monday 8 October 2012

My CD Front and Back cover analysis.

For my CD's front and back cover I have aimed to create a Pop genre CD.
My cover is suitable for this genre because it's simple photography, quite toned down and pretty for a girls cover, another thing making it a female pop artists cover is the slim yet decorative title, in a light Serif font.
The cover is also although having a pastel colour range still quite eye catching, this is a selling point for the CD it showcases the artist entirely with the artwork.

The main strong points of my cover which work well I believe firstly is the lighting I used for the photo, It gives the Image the soft almost amber effect I was hoping to achieve, another strong point of my cover I believe is the outfit choice, the use of reds and creams I believe they all work together well adding to the overall image on the photography front.
I also believe the Light Serif font in which I have used on my cover also works well, similar to many female Pop artists I believe this gives a simple yet 'pretty' edge.
However always with what work there comes what didn't work so well.. In my opinion some factors of my CD cover that didn't work as well as anticipated were the detail of the image, looking back now I wish I had of added more emphasis to the lips of the artist, to make them more red matching the skirt, I also wish I would have dimmed down the appearance of the shadow back lay of the image, to start with I thought this worked well in contribution to the image, but now looking back it's something I would have changed.

The biggest difficulty I had with this project was adding different colours and contrasts to my image, in order to get the effect, and lighting colours that I wanted, as at the start of the project I wasn't very familiar with Photoshop  however after experimenting with a few different alteration I came to a finished product which I was happy with.

Through out the project I've learnt how to get a better use and understanding of Photoshop firstly, I've also learnt how to experiment with different layers and special effects that contribute mostly to CD covers, effects such as PS brushes adding effects to my titles, (although I have not used them in my cover) I felt experimenting with them before hand gave me a better idea of what I was looking for.

Other covers of the Pop genre that I could compare my cover to would be:

The first album which I would compare my cover to is Shania Twain, although her art work is a full body shot like my art work it's quite plain and simple, concentrating on the artist itself, with a simple slim font. 

The second cover I've used to compare my cover to Is Britney Spears, I think this cover is very similar actually, the colouring is very similar and as is the font, as well as being a Sarif it's extra detail to some of the letters on (the swirls) are very similar to mine, the posing of the model is also quite similar, as is the skin tones/contrasts etc.

The last cover which I have chosen in relation to my cover is Taylor Swift, again with similar slim line font and placement, I think the thing that most relates to my cover with this one is the background lighting, it gives the same effect as mine, with orange/yellow tones.

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