Thursday 4 October 2012

College Magazine Interest


The first magazine I saw which I liked in contribution to ideas for my college magazine was this one, named 'Spark' I believe the cover is eye catching, this I like about the cover, it has the ability to draw people in due to the opening graphics, I think this will appeal to girls more so because it appears to be very fashion orientated, quite poesy and pretty. It work because without even having any headlines on the magazine about the inside stories I already want to read on just from the detail that I've seen on the exterior.
What I'd mostly like to borrow from this magazine and use as my own is it's picture/imagery characteristic, I like the sort of pose and dressing of the cover girl, the background also looks almost intriguing even though it appears to be quite blurred. This is the type of effect I would like to incorporate onto my magazine.
Also the design of the cover and it's writing (Title 'Spark') Seems quite simple yet at the same time again intriguing, giving the idea that less is more, it's simplicity makes me want to read on, it gives the idea with the lightning strike on the bottom on the 'Spark' that although it appears simple to begin with it has much more to offer.


Secondly I liked this magazine as another idea regarding my college cover, similar to the first link the imagery of this is set outside, giving a woodland type background, mostly what I like is the colouring type of the image, the colours of the outfits especially are calm, pastel soft and intriguing, yet at the same time as being calm they're bold. It gives the idea of high fashion which I believe will appeal to college students. I may borrow from this magazine the outfit and make-up design, it really did draw me in and I'd like to create a similar effect on my magazine. The text type at times is quite heavy, yet on the 'Um' part of the cover looks a little script, I believe this shows a nice variation which again I also may consider in my magazine, another thing I especially like about the text on this cover is it's very bold, you know exactly what you're getting and it has the ability to draw readers in immediately but the look of the headlines alone.


The final magazine cover I saw which I liked was this one, 'Avenue'. I especially liked this cover because it shows again a fashion edge which as a cover I think will appeal to a student population, especially a female population.
The text on this, the titled headline especially  is quite thin and simple, light looking which I think gives the magazine a simple and feminine side, The use of one of the headlines overlapping the main picture is also interesting and different to anything I have seen before, this could prove a good technique again to draw readers in. For my magazine from this I'd most likely borrow the scene, where the picture is set, it looks quite urban and student like, from the blurred background of the picture, it's depth of field draws you in to look at the picture, almost like it's there especially to be seen.

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